Venturi Clean Out

When one of the Venturi gets clogged, a serious mound of abrasive can form on top, and in some instances this can pack the pick-up filters to a point where Clearing the Filtration System or Setup & Maintenance > Maintenance > Abr. Pickup Clean can no longer clear the clog.

Before beginning you will need to do a Full Tank Cleaning.  You will also need running water or a bowl of water for cleaning off abrasive.

  1. Rinse off the bulkhead and top of the abrasive pick up filter.

  2. With one hand, push in the grey ring.

3. With the other hand, pull the pick-up filter elbow assembly out.

4. Repeatedly dunk this in a bowl of water and shake. You’ll need to dump out the loosened sand periodically to get at the compacted sand that remains.

5. Clear Used Abrasive out of the area of the of the bulkhead.

6. Reinstall the filter assembly by pushing it into the bulk head with correct orientation. It may help to push the filter assembly down slightly into sacrificial plate as you push into the bulk head.

7. Repeat on other filters you know to be clogged. Since you’ve already emptied your tank you may as well check the other filters.


Next Time

  • By running the Tank Cleaning Cycle several times after each cut you can help to prevent the abrasive from compacting in the filters.

  • Regularly Clearing the Filtration System will also help keep sand from compacting in the filters.

  • Running Setup & Maintenance > Maintenance > Abr. Pickup Clean can help keep abrasive from compacting around the pickup filters.  It can also help blast free any abrasive that may have compacted there.