Scale and Position


WAM allows you to manipulate individual Cut Groups within the Virtual Cut Bed:

  • Rotation – sometimes, if you want to nest as many cut groups as possible into a single cut file it can be helpful to rotate a cut group to be space efficient.

  • Position - You can set the precise placement by manually key in the X and Y position value. For more information, please refer to this page

  • Adjust Scale – for many applications, you will require your Cuts to be sized precisely. Some programs will Scale your Design in unexpected ways when exporting, so you will need to rescale your Design back to the intended size.

There are two methods to re-scale your imported Cut Groups:

  • Scale - specify a scaling factor into the field to Scale the selected Cut Group(s) to size

  • Width/Height - specify the intended major extent of the imported Cut Group (width or height) to Scale the entire Cut Group proportionally

Scaling Pre-check

The best practice is to set the correct scaling before export the design file from your design software. Please see the following steps as recommendation:

1. Use the measuring tool to confirm the design is within the expected dimension.

2. Upon export, please make sure the export unit is the same as design unit. If they are mismatched, the exported design will enlarge or shrink substantively.