Cut Performance

This section will help you diagnose the problem and point you to solutions for when your WAZER isn’t cutting like you would expect it to.

No Cutting

No Material is being removed while WAZER is cutting. This could either look like a light sanding of the Material in the area that was supposed to cut or no cutting or marking whatsoever. You may also see water spraying everywhere as the Jet exits the Nozzle and sprays off of the Material.

Partial Cutting

Partial Cutting occurs when WAZER partially cuts through your Material, but it fails to fully cut through. You will also see a directed water spray in the direction opposite of the Gantry motion.

Unsuccessful Cut

An unsuccessful cut can come from a variety of different reason in multiple different subsystems. This guide will walk-through how to find what is specifically not working and point to the resource for how to fix the underling problem.

Abnormally Loud Abrasive Hopper

Sometime you will hear a particularly loud noise coming from the abrasive hopper. It can be a simple as a lack of abrasive all the way to needing to change a part. This guide will walk through diagnosing what is wrong.

Sudden Loss in Cutting

Follow this guide if you noticed a sudden change in the cutting sound during a cut and the Wazer stop cutting through the material

No Water from Cutting Head

Sometime you will hear a particularly loud noise coming from the abrasive hopper. It can be a simple as a lack of abrasive all the way to needing to change a part. This guide will walk through diagnosing what is wrong.

Recurring Backflow/ Abrasive Clogs

If you find that after a backflow or a abrasive clog, you get another immediately or even shortly after, the situation indicates that you have other problems waiting to be solved. There are two likely root causes.