Priming the Plumbing

Required for initial WAZER set-up!

During the initial setup of a WAZER there are many environmental and human factors that could play a part in influencing your first cut’s success. To reduce the negative influence these variabilities could have on your first cut, we suggest priming the hydraulic subsystems, making sure everything is at the correct starting point.  This will take you less than 5 five minutes but if it is not done, you may have your first cut interrupted by water leveling errors or an abrasive clog.

This procedure will ensure that both the low-pressure and the high-pressure water lines have no air in them and are fully primed with water, setting up your machine to have an error free and flawless first cut.

[CAUTION] Bacteria can build up in the standing water of the tank. Any injuries or cuts, even minor ones, should be treated with caution. If you have an open wound avoid contact with the water or wear gloves that do not expose you to the tank water.

To Prime the Plumbing

Once your WAZER is setup to the point of the tank being filled and the water being plumbed into the Pump Box (see Setting Up WAZER & Cut Preparation), you are ready to Prime the Low Pressure System and then Prime the High-Pressure System. 

Priming the Low-Pressure System

  1. Turn WAZER on.

2. Select the “Setup & Maintenance” on the Control Panel.

3. Select “Maintenance”. 

4. Remove the front bucket cover.

5. Select Used Abrasive Collect and allow pumps to run for at least 15 seconds. During this period, plug BOTH of the streams with your fingers. Release your fingers and plug the streams on the opposite side for the same 15 seconds.

6. Refill water in the tank to the level of the cut bed. If you didn’t see a steady strong stream, make sure to repeat by selecting “Low Pressure Pumps” from step 5. 


Priming the High-Pressure System

  1. Turn WAZER on.

2. Select “Setup & Maintenance” on the Control Panel.

3. Select “input/Output Check”. 

4. Select “Output Check” and then "HP Valve"


5. [CRITICAL] Remove the Abrasive Hose End from Cutting Head. This is critical, do NOT omit this step!

6. Raise the cutting head approximately 0.5” above the cut bed surface so you have room to observe the stream coming out of the nozzle.

7. Make sure door is closed.

8. Press OK.

9. Watch and listen to the stream carefully as the air leaves the stream and it transitions to just water. This can be both seen and heard as the water stream will change from a white irregular flow that makes a slight hissing sound to a clear smooth stream that should be silent. If your water supply pressure is relatively low (< 40psi) or water supply lines are long, you may need to select the “HP Valve” option from step 4 multiple times to get all the air out of the system.

10. After no bubble can be seen coming out from the nozzle, please go to “setup and maintenance“> “maintenance“ > “Nozzle Purge“. If this is the first time to prime the high pressure system, this step will be the first time pump box engages.


11. Your high pressure system is fully primed.

After your initial cut, this procedure will not need to be conducted under normal daily or weekly operation, however you may need to conduct it in the future under certain conditions:

  • If the tank is drained the low-pressure system should be primed.

  • If the low-pressure or high-pressure lines are disconnected the high-pressure system should be re-primed.