WAZER Suddenly Turns Off - Normal Water Level

WAZER is constantly monitoring the water level. However, if the water level gets too low or too high at any point, two safety shutoff switches will activate to prevent the tank from getting damaged by the jet. The power can also cut out but the water level will seem normal, in this case see the second check. If you hear WAZER abruptly shut off, or if it powers down in the middle of a cut we suggest you do the following: 

Check: Did the GFCI in the power cable trip?

  • Root Cause. The first line of defense against electrical issues is the GFCI. The switch can trip, causing the light to go out and prevent power from getting to the WAZER.

  • Corrective Action: Check the area around the power cable is dry and free of any hazards, then flip the switch. If the switch does not stay on or repeatedly turns off, contact Wazer Support.

Check: Did the fuse in the controller burn out?

  • Root Cause: To protect the WAZER from electrical spikes, the fuse will burn out rather than damage any internal components.

  • Corrective Action: Replace the fuse with one from your spare parts kit. If not available, use a standard 6 A/ 250 V Bus Fuse

Check: Is the low kill float switch stuck?

  • Root Cause: It is possible that the low kill float switch can get jammed into place in the Drain Filter compartment.

  • Corrective Action: Clean any debris from the switch and ensure the float is able to move freely. If issue persists, contact Wazer Support for the next steps.

Check: Did the machine turns back on after 2 seconds? Did the Blue/Green LED on the 24v power supply dimmed and returned.

  • Root cause: To protect the WAZER from shorts and over current, the 24V power supply is equipped with Limited Power Regulator. When the power supply sense power consumption over 100w, it will cut power to the Main Unit, rest for 3 seconds and come back on.

  • Corrective Action: please go to “setup and maintenance“ > “input and output“>”output” and check each output individually one by one. If you see the machine shuts off when one particular output, we have found the root cause. Contact WAZER customer support for more assistance

Check: Did the AC supply circuit breaker trip?

  • Root cause: During cutting, the pump box consumes around 14A of AC current (110v model), or 7A (220v model), and the main unit consumes 1-2A of AC current. If there is any other appliances on the same circuit branch, the additional load may trip the breaker. Also, pump box malfunction can also increase current consumption.

  • Corrective action: Unplug any unnecessary appliances on the same branch, and try cutting again. Or you can engage a “nozzle purge“ to check for pump box function. Contact WAZER customer support is pump box function is affected.

Check: Did the Pump Box circuit breaker trip? (Pump Box V1.5A and V1.5B)

  • Root cause: Pump Box malfunction can also increase current consumption. The circuit breaker installed in the pump box is not a fast reaction model, thus there is a chance that the over current event may trip the AC supply breaker and pump box breaker simultaneously.

  • Corrective action: Engage a “nozzle purge“ to check for pump box function. Contact WAZER customer support is pump box function is affected.